FINALLY done with the first cut of my new novel and I am looking for some beta readers to help me tweak it up before it goes to an editor. No experienced needed – only requirement is that you can read. : ) I’ll give you some instructions, but in general, the rules are: Step […]

Update on WIP
Still chugging along on the new untitled work in progress. It’s a dystopian scifi series and I am at about 108K words (more than enough to pare down into a decent-sized novel). Initial draft is done and now I am chugging through some fleshing out of the details as the characters and scenes emerge in greater […]
Inspiring Words from Nearly 100 Years Ago
Just recently I picked up a collection of works of H.P. Lovecraft, considered to be one of the founding fathers of dark fiction. I’ve heard from many horror fans that his work can be difficult to enjoy because his writing is dense and at times antiquated in its language and prose. However, I am very big […]
Want a Free Autographed Copy of ON TENTERHOOKS?
Goodreads is currently running a contest to get a free copy of my novel, ON TENTHERHOOKS. Click below to enter. But hurry – contest ends soon! Goodreads Book Giveaway On Tenterhooks by Greever Williams Giveaway ends April 28, 2015. See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter to Win

Building My Writing Lair: Designs Approved!
Aside from writing, one of my other passions is DIY home renovations. To date, my lovely wife and I have renovated four houses and we’re about 70% down with our current home in North Carolina. She designs, I build, and together we renovate. The current house is a 4400+ sq feet piece of awesome built […]
New Novella Released!
I am very excited to announce that my latest project, a novella called Dust on the Mound, has been released in ebook format. The story takes place in modern day and during the dark days of the Civil War. It is available right now over on Amazon. If you are so kind as to give […]
First Draft of Latest WIP Completed!
I am happy to report that the first draft of my latest work in progress is completed and I am currently seeking beta readers and doing some fact-checking research as well. This one is a short novella that takes place in current day and Civil War times. Stay tuned for more details – this might […]

Branch Out & Barter Your Way to a Better Book!
I am an indie writer, which is simply a spiffy phrase for being self-published. Why I chose this route is another story, but the bottom line is, I am on the hook for it all. In addition to writing my snippets of suspense, I also have to make sure the book is edited, designed, marketed […]
Hard Copy Promos Arrived…Yoda Approves

Casting Call for ON TENTERHOOKS
What writer doesn’t dream of seeing his characters jump off the page and on to the big screen? I certainly do! With ON TENTERHOOKS, I saw some of my main characters from the beginning of the writing process as a certain actor or actress. Others were amalgamations of several different actors or people I have […]