I am super excited to debut my third novel, Project NEMISYS! This was truly a labor of love and it took me a while to get it to the light of day. But now it’s available in paperback and ebook format over at Amazon. I hope you’ll give it a try (and honest reviews are […]
Author: Greever

Looking for Beta Readers
Greetings all! I’m looking for a handful of beta readers for my new contemporary adult sci-fi thriller before it goes to my editor. PROJECT: NEMISYS is the story of a conscience-laden contract killer who teams up with a wildlife research biologist to hunt down a dangerous lab-built creature formed by fusing a sentient meteorite with the […]

Latest Additions to the TBR Pile
I just discovered that a nearby thrift store I have passed no less than a hundred times in the last five years is actually a cleverly-disguised used book store of awesomeness! Check out the latest additions to my (only slightly bulging) to-be-read pile! I’ve read a couple before, but come on…I can’t pass up $1 […]

Not Dead, Just Busy
For me, writing was a dream that became a hobby that morphed into a passion. Unfortunately, passion doesn’t pay the bills…at least, not yet! I have been fortunate enough to earn my way into a demanding career that fills my days (and some nights). My wife and I are blessed with a full home of kids […]

A Healthy Dose of Coulrophobia
The movie adaptation of Stephen King’s It premieres this Friday. My son (aka my trusty horror-movie sidekick) and I have already secured our tickets. If the trailers are any indication, this movie looks to be true to the novel…and absolutely terrifying. Stephen King is the master of taking benign, everyday things and making them into […]

The Reclamation Chronicles Book One: Done!
Happy to say and pleased to report that after many long evenings of deep edits over the summer, I have completed the manuscript for the first volume in my new Sci Fi series, the Reclamation Chronicles. As it seems to be with any long-term project I undertake, the end result isn’t exactly what I had intended […]

Headless Chickens & Other Obfuscations
So it turns out, I might not be the only writer in the family. I found a small note on my desk today, scrawled on a piece of scratch paper. Recognizing the handwriting, I sought out my 8YO offspring and asked her what it was about. I was very curious to know what this meant. […]

Spring Sacrifices & Ritualistic Rabbits
Today my male offspring made a gruesome discovery. Something (or someone) had left a decapitated rabbit’s head at the bottom of our driveway. As you’ll note in the photo evidence he took (Exhibit A), there is no blood and there are no jagged gobbets of flesh around the severing wound. This was a clean cut and […]

Ever Have Ones of Those Nightmares?
You know…the ones that are so vivid and terrifying that you waste the rest of the night’s precious sleeping hours binge-watching mindless sitcoms to calm your nerves? You turn off your alarm early because you’re already wide awake. You rise and do the zombie shuffle because your joints ache from the dream’s physical effects. You’re in […]

CodeName: Gifts from the Graveyard
While I eagerly await feedback from my beta readers on the first book in my new sci fi series, I’ve started work on my next piece – a straight-up ghost story, that will most likely be a novella. I’ve code named it Gifts from the Graveyard for reasons that will become evident once you read it. […]